Hi! I'm James. I’m a digital UX Researcher, Designer & Strategist from Philadelphia.
Research-based design & more
I have years of experience in physical, digital and organizational design and strategy. I’ve worked closely with many kinds of digital development processes, but my strength is in breaking down complex problems into bite-size pieces using design research.
Wherever I work, I feel the need to establish and improve a culture of design. When designers of all stripes work alongside business and technical stakeholders, assumptions and opinions are balanced by validation and data. This integration of these 3 teams is crucial to today’s ever more complex products and services.
Project Case Studies

Defining Small Business
Foundational research, rapid prototyping, service & visual design

UX/UI for Internet Infrastructure
Soup to nuts visual standards for enterprise applications

Physician Burnout
Strategic planning, foundational research, rapid prototyping

DDoS Portal UX
Customer research, requirements, development handoff